Sabeen Shahid
Sabeen Shahid
UX Designer I UX Researcher I Master Storyteller

Sable App


Sable Card

Designed a mobile app with a unique onboarding experience for a fintech startup

My UX Process

I believe that design is an iterative process and testing early & often offers the best outcomes.

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 DISCOVER: Understanding the Problem

Business Goals & User Research

After background research followed by client meeting, we understood our client’s business goals. Then, we set forth to understand our user.

My UX Research Process

Our Users come from all over the world and are not always familiar with US banking terminology and financial services industry.

 DEFINE: Synthesizing trends from Research

User Research & Business Goals


Affinity Mapping is a classic UX technique that allows us to identify key trends from our User Data. We mapped out our findings from our user interviews to identify key trends.



Lots of Post-its

Lots of Post-its

A Wall

A Wall




User’s Primary Motivation:

Our Users primary motivation to apply for a US Credit Card was not to obtain a credit line.

It was simply to start building their Credit History - in order to qualify for basic needs like phone plans, car leases, rentals & mortgages.

Key trends& user insights:


Here are the Key Trends we identified & how they informed our design decisions for the Sable Card App:

Sabeen Shahid UX Design for Sable Card
UX Design Sabeen Shahid Sable App
UX Design Sabeen Shahid Sable App
UX Design Sabeen Shahid Sable App
UX Design Sabeen Shahid Sable App

User persona:


We created a Persona to understand a typical Sable Card applicant - their goals, needs, pain points & behavior to help us design a seamless experience for our users.


user’s journey map:


We also created a Journey Map for Ajda to understand her pain points when trying to apply for a US credit card without Social Security or a prior credit history.


Design: Turn Insights into a Product


Design Studio & Low Fidelity Prototype:


In our design studio, we collaborated to create a paper prototype & proceeded to test it.


Mid-Fidelity Prototype:


After testing our rapid prototype, we made certain iterations and created Wire Frames.

Sabeen shahid ux designer sable card

Deliver: Testing & Delivery


Usability Testing - Round I & II

We tested our decisions multiple times for each prototype to choose the best possible combination of information input from the user's perspective.


Sable App - MVP

Sabeen Shahid UX Designer Sable Card

Experience the app yourself


Client Presentation & Demo

With my background in preparing Pitches for B2C & B2B, I created a presentation deck for the client and we presented our Demo as a team. We got great feedback from our client and our product is going to be used at Y Combinator Demo Day 2019 before its full launch.


Final TakeAways

The client & the project both challenged us on various levels and the overall experience of the design sprint was exhilarating. I feel that our team was able to work very well together and my background in financial services helped to fast track the project too as I was able to breakdown a lot of the financial terms as well as understand the Regulatory & Risk Requirements. Our solution of reading information from a passport ID page photo to auto-fill information was quite unique & innovative, and we feel that it will help the users of our app appreciate Sable as an innovative disrupter and also result in deeper user engagement.