Sabeen Shahid
Sabeen Shahid
UX Designer I UX Researcher I Master Storyteller

Newsie Website

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Designed a responsive website that aggregates personalized financial news

My UX Process

I believe that design is an iterative process and testing early & often offers the best outcomes.

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 DISCOVER: Understanding the Problem

Business Goals & User Research

After background research, we set forth to understand our user.

My UX Research Process

 DEFINE: Synthesizing trends from Research

User Research & Business Goals


Affinity Mapping is a classic UX technique that allows us to identify key trends from our User Data. We mapped out our findings from our user interviews to identify key trends.


User’s Primary Motivation:

Our Users primary motivation to read financial news was to stay well-informed. Users were visiting up to 5 websites every morning to read news quickly from various news outlets of their choice. Different readers considered different news sources credible & wanted to choose their own sources.

Key trends& user insights:


Here are the Key Trends we identified that influenced our design decisions.

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User persona:


We created a Persona to understand a typical financial news reader - their goals, needs, pain points & behavior to help us design a seamless experience for our users.

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user’s journey map:


We also created a Journey Map for Kylie to understand her pain points when reading financial news on a typical weekday.

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I statements


Design: Turn Insights into a Product


Design Studio & Low Fidelity Prototype:


In our design studio, we collaborated to create a paper prototype & proceeded to test it.

sabeen shahid ux designer nyc

Deliver: Testing & Delivery


Usability Testing - Round I & II

We tested our decisions multiple times for each prototype to choose the best possible combination of information input from the user's perspective.

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Mid-fidelity Usability Testing

We tested our design by giving two tasks to each user and observing their interaction with the design and then making iterations based on their feedback.

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sabeen shahid ux designer nyc

Newsie responsive website - MVP

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Experience the Website yourself


Final TakeAways

We were able to create a responsive website MVP that would improve finance professionals news-reading experience and allow them to stay well-informed, whether they are at home, commuting or at work.


Fun Fact: “Newsie” is a reference to the newsboys that sold newspapers in New York City. In 1899, the streets of New York City were filled with the voices of the Newsboys. Back then, newspapers were the only types of media in the city. They were the only ways to get information about what was going on in the world. (source: