Sabeen Shahid
Sabeen Shahid
UX Designer I UX Researcher I Master Storyteller


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Designed and launched a responsive web & IOS app for a health-tech client with 6 distinct features


business goal

Create an IOS app and responsive web app to build a steady stream of users i.e. health practitioners across the US


User & Design Goals

Offer a convenient online learning and certification process for HPs to keep up to date on their certifications and CMEs. Communicate upcoming expiration dates clearly and use encouraging microcopy and UX writing to ensure first-time users can navigate easily. Reduce friction to adoption by creating an optimal and intuitive user flow.



My Role

I have been working on this project since April 2020 to date. I was responsible for envisioning the entire set of innovative features that we were going to offer HPs and how they would fit into their current workflow. I lead the end-to-end design for the web based application and IOS mobile app through business interviews, user research, wireframing, prototyping, cross-team collaboration and UX strategy. I worked in sprints with our Tech team and Product Manager to understand technical constraints, back-end data points and timelines. 


My UX Process

I believe that design is an iterative process and testing early & often offers the best outcomes.

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 DISCOVER: Understanding the Problem

User Research

I conducted business interviews with the client, their operations team as well as their business development team to understand business goals and get insights into the healthcare practitioners world. Using this as a base, I conducted 10 user interviews to validate these assumptions and learn more about their goals, motivations and patterns.

My UX Research Process

 DEFINE: Synthesizing trends from Research

Key Challenge

One of the challenges of this project have been designing a solution that fits the needs of a diverse user base as well as keeping up with different regulatory requirements for each state, specialty and designation. The product has to work equally well for nurses, doctors, therapists and oncologists etc alike. It had to work for HPs early in their career as well as those looking to retire soon. It had to work in Massachusetts as well as it did in Alabama.


Key trends & user research insights:


Here are the Key Trends we identified that influenced our design decisions.

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my product design philosophy

I believe that offering intrinsic and true value leads to massive adoption. I want to  design a solution that fits seamlessly into the users workflow with as little friction to adoption as possible. 

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Visual Problem Solving Using Sketches :


I mapped workflows on paper to understand where we could minimize the pain HPs experienced as well as highlight any value-added functions we could further embed into their workflow. I wanted HPs to derive maximum value out of each feature and designed with this in mind i.e. A reminder 120 days in advance of an upcoming license expiration date, so they had enough time to get the lengthy documentation in order etc.  


feature prioritization:

I worked with the Product Manager to prioritize proposed features using a MOSCOW feature prioritization tool.

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Design: Turn Insights into a Product


wireframing & high Fidelity Prototype:


Once the high level user flow had been fleshed out, I worked with a UX/UI designer on my team to bring these designs to life. We had incredible timeline pressure, and were working in two week sprints with our PM and Tech team, so we decided to skip Lo-Fidelity and went straight to Hi-Fidelity Mock ups.

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Deliver: Testing & Delivery


USer flows & Documentation:

Created business requirements, stakeholder presentations, and user flows to help explain the designs to all internal and external stakeholders.

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Collaboration with Technology Teams:

I created interactive prototypes (Using Invision) and videos (using Camtasia) in order to help explain the product features and user flows (using Figma) to work collaboratively with our Tech team. We were able to reiterate designs for tech based on client requests and technology constraints, as well as after one round of Usability Testing. 


Experience the app yourself



We acquired unique users at the rate of 350%, supported by our Facebook PPC campaigns and continue to do so

Our NPS Score is 8.6, which is very high by industry standards

App is rated as 4.9 on the App Store with 60 downloads a day